Dr. Maria Geffen, of Penn's Auditory Coding Lab, gave an invited talk at COSYNE 17 on " Cortical circuits supporting context-dependent flexibility in auditory processing."
Dr. Johannes Burge led a workshop in "Joint modeling of encoding and decoding in specific sensory-perceptual tasks."
Graduate student Louis Kang presented a poster at COSYNE, entitled "Coupling between attractor networks naturally generates a discrete grid cell hierarchy." Louis was also recently awarded a Miller Fellowship, which he will begin at UC Berkeley this summer, with the Physics Department and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute.
Graduate student Alex Keinath presented a poster as well, entitled, "Boundary-tethered grid shifts reproduce effects of environment deformations on grid and place cells."
Two of our CNI-affiliated undergraduate students, Eli Pollock and Niral Desai also presented a poster at the conference, on "A mechanism for self-organized error-correction of grid cells by border cells."