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CNI Seminar: Jason Kim

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 - 11:30am

Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building

Jason Kim
Bassett Lab

Role of graph architecture in controlling dynamical networks with applications to neural systems

Networked systems display complex patterns of interactions between components. In physical networks, these interactions often occur along structural connections that link components in a hard-wired connection topology, supporting a variety of system-wide dynamical behaviors such as synchronization. Although descriptions of these behaviors are important, they are only a first step towards understanding and harnessing the relationship between network topology and system behavior. Here, we use linear network control theory to derive accurate closed-form expressions that relate the connectivity of a subset of structural connections (those linking driver nodes to non-driver nodes) to the minimum energy required to control networked systems. To illustrate the utility of the mathematics, we apply this approach to high-resolution connectomes recently reconstructed from Drosophila, mouse, and human brains. We use these principles to suggest an advantage of the human brain in supporting diverse network dynamics with small energetic costs while remaining robust to perturbations.

A pizza lunch will be served.